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It's Just The Beating of My Heart

Waking each morning alone, John Stack finds solace in long, alcohol-fuelled walks through the unchanging landscape of a Gloucestershire valley.

Linda, his wife, has left him and his once golden reputation as an art dealer has faded. The only glimmer of light for John comes through the weekend visits of his twelve-year-old daughter Bryony. An encounter with a beautiful and enigmatic neighbour may offer the chance of a new beginning for John, if only he can quieten his suspicions about the death of her husband.

Told in sparkling poetic language, It’s Just the Beating of My Heart is a story of loss, heartbreak and hope in a world peopled by ghosts.
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A selection of reviews and criticism on
»It’s Just the Beating of my Heart«

‘Richard Aronowitz’s book … exploits to a large degree our complacent assumptions about what can happen in a conventional literary novel or how psychology operates.’
Tom Sutcliffe, The Independent.

‘A beautifully assured piece of work.’
Christian House, The Independent on Sunday.

‘There are moments of beauty, but what he really aims to show, amongst the teeming life of the valley and forests, is the deep loneliness of Stack.’
William Rycroft, Just William’s Luck (Blog.)

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    A beautifully assured piece of work.
    Christian House, The Independent on Sunday
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    [What the author] really aims to show, amongst the teeming life of the valley and forests, is the deep loneliness […]
    William Rycroft, Just William’s Luck
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    It's Just the Beating of My Heart ends in a place that one in ten thousand of [its] readers will have predicted.
    Tom Sutcliffe, The Independent